Chapter 3: What do you think intrigues you?

Chapter 3: What do you think intrigues you?

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Why this chapter matters

Our values change over time. Things that used to matter lose their shine, and we discover new values that fulfill us. However, if we don't actively look for new values to explore, we may miss out on personal growth opportunities.

Goal of this chapter

This chapter provides exercises to identify promising new values by inspecting the people and things we admire and add them to our Inner Compass. Adding new values helps us evolve our values later on.

Story about this chapter

Expand to read a conversation with a past client about what intrigues them.
Chapter Page Separator

Exercises for this Chapter

The exercises below are organized into key topics. We encourage you to complete at least one exercise per topic.

Advice We Receive

Advice We Receive

Things We Admire

Things We Admire

Chapter UUID
Chapter Title
Chapter 3: What do you think intrigues you?
peer advice
inspiring media
role models