Part 1: Build your Inner Compass

Part 1: Build your Inner Compass

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Part 1: Build your Inner Compass

Welcome! Let’s build your Inner Compass. Below, you’ll find three phases. They all guide you to reflect on what matters to you, what hinders you, and what intrigues you. The difference is the exercises push you to dig deeper and be more introspective in later phases.



Phase 1

Uncover what matters

3 Chapters

During this first phase, we will start building our Inner Compass by uncovering what fulfills us, what gets in the way of our fulfillment, and what lifestyles are intriguing to us through structured introspection.


Phase 2

Examine your motives

3 Chapters

During this second phase, we will go deeper and examine the motives behind everything we uncovered in the first phase to help identify which of our values, beliefs, and priorities are genuine.


Phase 3

Refine what matters

3 Chapters

During the third phase, we will finish refining our Inner Compass by building off our insights from the previous phases. By pushing ourselves to be uncomfortably honest, we will articulate what truly matters, what truly gets in our way, and what is truly intriguing to us.
