Exercise: “Role Models”

Exercise: “Role Models”

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Exercise: “Role Models”

What you will get out of this

The people we admire often have traits we either want for ourselves or want to find within the people around us.


This exercise helps us identify the beliefs and values embodied by the people we most admire.

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An example of this exercise at work

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Step 1

Step 1: Illuminating Inspirations

Consider the people in your life who stir your admiration. Who sparks your enthusiasm? Whose presence invigorates you? Whom do you hold in high esteem?

Carefully pen down five such individuals.

Now, delve into the essence of why you admire them: What characteristics do they possess that make you aspire to be like them? What unique strengths or virtues do they embody that captivate your respect?

The answers here might shed light on some personal values worth exploring further.

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Step 2

Step 2: Conversations Across Time

Imagine a dinner party where any guest from the past is possible. Which five historical figures, no longer with us, would you invite?

Who fascinates you from history? Who do you wish you could share a conversation with over a cup of tea? Whose wisdom would you seek?

Reflecting on each of these individuals, try to pinpoint: What traits or qualities do they possess that you aspire to emulate? What characteristics do they display that you'd seek in your circle of friends?

These answers, too, can offer fascinating insights into values worth exploring further.

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