Exercise: “Digging into Role Models”

Exercise: “Digging into Role Models”

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Exercise: “Digging into Role Models”

Why this exercise matters

Before, we discovered the traits and values embodied by the role models that we instinctually admire. By closely analyzing these traits and values, we can pinpoint the ones that are most interesting and align with our current beliefs. It's important to explore these captivating traits and values because they have the potential to become our new fulfilling beliefs in the future.


This exercise helps us examine the traits and values embodied by the people we admire and select which of those values we are most intrigued to explore within our own lives.

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What you will get out of this

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Step 1

Step 1: Unveiling the Reasons Behind Your Admiration

Feel free to look back at your response to Chapter 3, Exercise: “Role Models”

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Reflect upon the five life-inspirations and the five historical figures you listed previously. For each of these individuals, invest a few moments to consider why you hold them in such high esteem. Pour your thoughts into a sentence for each person. Remember, honesty is your best friend here.

Do their stories touch a deep chord within you? Is it a sense of obligation that makes you feel you 'ought to' admire this person? Or is it the envy of the way others appreciate this person?

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Step 2

Step 2: What Aspects Continue to Inspire You?

Keeping in mind the reasons you listed above for cherishing each of your role models, let's now focus on their personal strengths, characteristics, and attributes that still captivate your interest. Which of these aspects still tug at your heartstrings and make you want to delve deeper?

Remember, the goal here isn't to create an exact replica of your role models in yourself. Rather, it's about evolving your inner compass by uncovering values that truly matter to you. By meticulously identifying the traits worth exploring, you not only save yourself from hitting a dead end but also conserve precious time and energy that can be better invested in your personal growth.

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