Chapter 2: What do you think gets in your way?

Chapter 2: What do you think gets in your way?

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Why this chapter matters

It's disappointing when we fail to achieve our goals due to self-sabotage. We need to understand why we self-sabotage to stop doing it.

Goal of this chapter

This chapter provides exercises to uncover the limiting beliefs fueling our self-sabotage and add them to our Inner Compass. Understanding the limiting beliefs helps us overcome self-sabotage later on.

Story about this chapter

Expand to read a conversation with a past client about how they get in their own way.
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Exercises for this Chapter

The exercises below are organized into key topics. We encourage you to complete at least one exercise per topic.

Our Past Shame

Our Past Shame

Our Self-sabotaging Habits

Our Self-sabotaging Habits

Our “Shoulds” and “Supposed Tos”

Our “Shoulds” and “Supposed Tos”

Chapter UUID
Chapter Title
Chapter 2: What do you think gets in your way?
past shame
self sabotaging habits
current shoulds