Exercise: “Current Shoulds”

Exercise: “Current Shoulds”

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Exercise: “Current Shoulds”

What you will get out of this

When making decisions, we often place more value on the “shoulds” and “supposed tos” we’ve been given than our own desires. Not all “shoulds” are detrimental – in fact, some encode valuable wisdom of others. However, it’s dangerous to blindly accept all “shoulds” as valuable.


This exercise helps us identify the current “shoulds” in our lives so we can investigate them.

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An example of this exercise at work

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Step 1

Step 1: Dissecting Time Investment

Enumerate the six primary activities that consumed your time this week, indicating the time devoted to each.

Then, segregate these activities based on whether they were chosen willingly or out of obligation.

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Step 2

Step 2: Unearthing Underlying Shoulds

For every obligation listed above, articulate in a few sentences the underlying "shoulds" these obligations cater to, beyond your basic needs.

For instance, if you typically spend over 70 hours a week at your investment banking job, apart from the essential needs of earning money and contributing to society, working these extended hours might satisfy additional "shoulds" such as:

  • proving your worth to your team, your manager, and yourself,
  • showing commitment to the company's culture,
  • validating yourself as a high achiever,
  • and maintaining a prestigious job to avoid disappointing your parents.
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