Exercise: “Challenging Financial Limitations”

Exercise: “Challenging Financial Limitations”

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Exercise: “Challenging Financial Limitations”

What you will get out of this

We shouldn’t solely blame a lack of money for feeling unfulfilled. Money can provide opportunities, but it's not a guarantee for a fulfilling life. We must remember that money is just a tool, and there are fulfilling experiences that can be had with less money. Also, there are sources of fulfillment that don't require money, such as spending time with friends, enjoying music, and playing sports. We shouldn’t forget about these; instead, we should make sure to regularly include them in our lives.


This exercise helps us take a step back, reflect on our relationship with money, and identify the other sources of fulfillment in our lives that we might have lost sight of

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Audio Anecdote

An example of this exercise at work

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Step 1

Step 1: Explore your Money Mindset

If you feel trapped by your financial condition, let's embark on a journey to understand your relationship with money. Here are some prompts to ponder:

What beliefs about money were ingrained in you growing up?

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Which of your desires seem blocked by monetary constraints?

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What anxieties do you associate with money?

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How does your self-esteem connect with your financial standing?

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Step 2

Step 2: Discovering Pocket-friendly Pleasures

Let's set aside our biases and delve into the simple things that make your heart flutter. These seemingly small nuggets of joy can enrich your days without straining your wallet. Consider the following prompts:

  1. What are your top five colors that uplift your mood?
  2. Which are the five songs that never fail to get your toes tapping?
  3. Who are your favorite five musicians?
  4. What fruits make your taste buds dance?
  5. What are your go-to comfort meals?
  6. What desserts make you forget your worries?
  7. Which animals never fail to bring a smile to your face?
  8. What are your favorite flora, plants or flowers that add color to your life?
  9. Which places, big or small, are your sanctuaries of serenity?
  10. What are your favorite hobbies that keep you engaged?
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Step 3

Step 3: Friends - The Unlimited Source of Fulfillment

Now, take a moment to list five friends, past or current, whose company you cherish, irrespective of your financial standing. Plan to drop them a note, express your warmth, and ask them how they're doing.

In our financially-driven society, it's easy to overlook the immense value of heartfelt friendships. Unlike materialistic possessions, these relationships evolve, grow and can be a ceaseless source of joy if nurtured with the right amount of care and attention. Reconnecting with friends is an enriching way to ease and transcend the constraints placed by your financial situation.

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