Exercise: “Wealth and Magic”

Exercise: “Wealth and Magic”

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Exercise: “Wealth and Magic”

What you will get out of this

Money constraints and peer judgement prevent us from accessing the core desires that we’ve tucked away – the desires that indicate what truly matters to us.


This exercise helps us recover these parts of ourselves that we’ve suppressed.

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An example of this exercise at work

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How to complete this exercise


For the following steps, think about your ideal 5-year life plan if you don’t have to worry about money and no one will laugh.

Remember that we care about discovering your internal truth, not virtue signaling. Withhold any internal judgement and don’t dismiss any thoughts or feelings too quickly. In addition, don’t “should” yourself – resist the urge to say what you think should be said, and be brutally honest instead.
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Step 1

Step 1: Painting Your Lottery Dreams

Imagine you've just won the lottery or inherited a treasure trove. What would you do with this windfall? Let's sketch at least two different vibrant lives you'd lead. Let your ideas flow freely, don't over-analyze. The essence of this exercise is to let your imagination run wild and enjoy the process.

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Step 2

Step 2: The Chosen Companions of Your Journey

Who would join you to relish these beautiful moments or engage in these activities? Try to identify at least three companions. Ponder on why each of them made it to your list – what's their significance in your life? What might you mean to them? What does this reveal about your deep-seated desires? Allow yourself a 5 to 10-minute free-writing session.

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Step 3

Step 3: Wielding the Wand of Universal Approval

Now, let's sprinkle a bit of magic. Imagine you wave a wand and, presto, you have the unwavering approval of everyone, regardless of what you do. What new paths would you tread in life? Let's outline at least two different lives. As before, let your ideas flow freely. The beauty of this exercise is in embracing unrestricted freedom.

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