Exercise: “Ideal Future”

Exercise: “Ideal Future”

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Exercise: “Ideal Future”

What you will get out of this

Wants are like fruits in a tree. They take different amounts of effort to grab & eat, and our moods can affect which ones we want most in a specific moment. It’s unlikely that we’ll want one fruit at the exclusion of all the rest, or that we need every single one to be happy.


This exercise helps us uncover our fundamental wants across multiple areas of life.

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An example of this exercise at work

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How to complete this exercise


In this step, we’ll be thinking of what we want across different areas of life.

Be mindful that your wants can vary based on your current mindset, so it’s good to split up this exercise over multiple sessions. Also, it’s worth thinking about your wants across different paths you may take in life, not just the one you’re leaning towards right now.

Remember that we care about discovering your internal truth, not virtue signaling. Withhold any internal judgement and don’t dismiss any thoughts or feelings too quickly. In addition, don’t “should” yourself – resist the urge to say what you think should be said, and be brutally honest instead.
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Step 1

Step 1: The Wishing Well of Life

Let's embark on a magical journey across the landscape of your dreams and desires. Picture your future across all areas of life. What would you love to see transformed in your life, yourself, and the world around you?

Take each realm below and weave your desires. Be as specific and candid as possible. Let your imagination run wild without worry about feasibility. Let's focus on identifying your true desires:

Your life, Career, Financial goals, Material dreams, Health aspirations, Romantic relationships, Friendships, Family ties, Community involvement, Your personal attributes (skills, emotional well-being, social aptitude, etc.), and finally, the changes you desire in your world - be it your company, your industry, your neighborhood, your city, or even your country.

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Step 2

Step 2: The Lighthouse of Your Desires

With each wish from Step 1, dive deep into the ocean of your motivations. Reflect on why these changes or outcomes are crucial for you:

  1. Why does this specific wish resonate with me?
  2. What deeper desires or beliefs are tethered to this wish?
  3. How might my life and well-being change if I achieve this wish?
  4. Could external influences, like societal norms or familial pressures, be sculpting this wish?

This introspection might unveil additional wishes. Apply these same questions to these new wishes. Continue this excavation until you uncover the foundational desires behind each wish - the point where no more wishes lie underneath.

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