Exercise: “Current Strengths and Wins”

Exercise: “Current Strengths and Wins”

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Exercise: “Current Strengths and Wins”

What you will get out of this

When we feel stuck or lost, we tend to tunnel-vision things we lack or perceive to be wrong with our current path. However, this limited view won’t guide us to fulfillment. Thus, it’s crucial to take a step back and take inventory of the things going well for us.


This exercise helps us examine what’s going well for us, and what are strengths are.

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An example of this exercise at work

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How to complete this exercise

Remember that we care about discovering your internal truth, not virtue signaling. Withhold any internal judgement and don’t dismiss any thoughts or feelings too quickly. In addition, don’t “should” yourself – resist the urge to say what you think should be said, and be brutally honest instead.
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Step 1

Step 1: Unearth Your Hidden Treasures

You might be feeling lost or stuck in the maze of life, but let's not forget to celebrate the moments of joy and victory. Take a few minutes to dust off those accomplishments, large or small, that often get lost in the humdrum of daily life. What do you see as your personal "triumph" on this beautiful journey? What's sparking joy and fulfillment in your life right now? Take a brief 5-minute trip down memory lane and pen down these golden moments.

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Step 2

Step 2: Discovering Your Unique Superpowers

Now, let's dig a little deeper into the garden of your talents. Take a 5-minute exploratory tour of your life. Consider different landscapes, such as your professional life, your social interactions, your passions, and your self-perception.

Ask yourself, where do my unique talents blossom? What are those special skills that come naturally to me? But here's the twist - how did you come to know about these superpowers? What signposts, be they touchy-feely or measurable, helped you realize your prowess in these fields?

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