Exercise: “Current Life Audit”

Exercise: “Current Life Audit”

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Exercise: “Current Life Audit”

What you will get out of this

When we’re only focused on future fulfillment that feels out of reach, we lose site of the things that currently fulfill us.


This exercise helps us identify the core things that are actually fulfilling in our lives today.

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An example of this exercise at work

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How to complete this exercise

Remember that we care about discovering your internal truth, not virtue signaling. Withhold any internal judgement and don’t dismiss any thoughts or feelings too quickly. In addition, don’t “should” yourself – resist the urge to say what you think should be said, and be brutally honest instead.
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Step 1

Step 1: Chronicles of Your Time

Let's begin by stepping into the shoes of a detective, exploring where most of your time vanishes each week. Write down the six primary activities that kept you occupied this week and mark the time you devoted to each.

Now, let's differentiate these activities based on choice and obligation. Which activities did you dive into with enthusiasm and which ones felt more like a duty you couldn't evade?

Then, let's shine a light on the activities that filled your heart with joy and satisfaction. Which activities do you want to safeguard from the encroachment of other obligations? Who are those special people that add a sparkle of fulfillment to these activities?

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Step 2

Step 2: The Joy List

Now, let's craft a personal 'Joy List'. Jot down fifteen activities that bring you joy and elation. It could be anything from going for a run, watching movies, exploring new places, or even the simple act of making brownies.

Once you've penned down these activities, take a trip back in time and write the approximate date when you last savored each of these delightful experiences.

Additional inspiration: Movie marathons, baking brownies, tidying up your apartment, walking your furry friend, tinkering with your car. Observe the time that's flown by since you last enjoyed some of these simple pleasures of life.

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