Exercise: “Childhood, and Buried Dreams”

Exercise: “Childhood, and Buried Dreams”

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Exercise: “Childhood, and Buried Dreams”

What you will get out of this

Our inner child plays a large role in determining whether something is actually fulfilling to us or not. Even as adults, it’s valuable to reconnect with our childhood desires, dreams, and traits.


This exercise helps us reconnect with our childhood desires, dreams, and traits.

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An example of this exercise at work

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How to complete this exercise

Remember that we care about discovering your internal truth, not virtue signaling. Withhold any internal judgement and don’t dismiss any thoughts or feelings too quickly. In addition, don’t “should” yourself – resist the urge to say what you think should be said, and be brutally honest instead.
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Step 1

Step 1: The Carousel of Childhood Joys

Let's embark on a nostalgic journey back to your childhood. Complete the following sentences with playful enthusiasm:

  1. My favorite childhood toy was...
  2. My favorite childhood game was...
  3. The best movie I ever saw as a kid was...
  4. I secretly enjoyed reading...
  5. My favorite way to dress was…
  6. If I could gift my childhood self something, I’d buy…
  7. If I had a perfect childhood, I’d have grown up to be...
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Step 2

Step 2: Unopened Gifts of Childhood

Let's delve into the might-have-beens. Complete these sentences and allow any powerful emotions to flow freely:

  1. As a child, I missed the chance to…
  2. As a child, I lacked…
  3. As a child, I wanted a…
  4. As a child, I needed more…
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Step 3

Step 3: Childhood Future: A Palette of Dreams

Reflect on the dreams your young heart nurtured for the future. What mattered most to you then? What did you desire for your future? Enjoy a 10-minute writing journey.

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Step 4

Step 4: Celebrating Your Childhood Self

List five traits from your childhood that you admire, and five accomplishments that make you beam with pride.

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Step 5

Step 5: A Time Capsule Letter from Your 8-Year-Old Self

Write a letter from your eight-year-old self to your current self. What advice or encouragement would they offer? What would you ask yourself? What interests would you urge yourself to pursue? What dreams would you encourage? Imagine this as the only letter your younger self could send across time.

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Step 6

Step 6: Digging Up Buried Dreams

For the following lists, let your intuition guide you. Don't overthink, simply write the first thing that pops into your mind:

  1. Five hobbies that sound fun.
  2. Five 'silly' things you'd like to try.
  3. Five 'never-would-do' things that sound exciting.
  4. Five skills you'd love to master.
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