Exercise: “Birthday and Eulogy Speeches”

Exercise: “Birthday and Eulogy Speeches”

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Exercise: “Birthday and Eulogy Speeches”
“However, it’s clear how I spend my time right now – both in work and outside of work, and both during weekdays and weekends – isn’t going to turn me into the person I want to be remembered as.”

What you will get out of this

When we only focus on the present, it can be hard to know how to use our time and energy to increase long-term fulfillment.


This exercise helps us step back to remember our personal north star goals helps to make it more obvious which short term path will most likely bring us later fulfillment.

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An example of this exercise at work

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Exercise Details

How to complete this exercise


For the following steps, imagine we’re at your 80th birthday, and three people are making speeches about you. Imagine them saying whatever you most want to hear.

Or, imagine we’re at your own funeral, where your family and friends have prepared a custom tombstone for you and are reading a eulogy about you. Imagine what you would like to hear people say about you.

Remember that we care about discovering your internal truth, not virtue signaling. Withhold any internal judgement and don’t dismiss any thoughts or feelings too quickly. In addition, don’t “should” yourself – resist the urge to say what you think should be said, and be brutally honest instead.
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Step 1

Step 1: Unveiling Your 80 Year Old Self

Imagine a future where you've celebrated your 80th birthday. What did you stand for? Who did you blossom into? How will people remember you? What essence of you will they carry in their hearts? What boundaries did you set? Allow yourself a free-spirited 10-minute writing adventure.

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Step 2

Step 2: Sowing Seeds of Positivity

Let's take a step further. Visualize the legacy you'd love to leave behind. In a world where judgment ceases to exist, what kind of impact do you aspire to create?

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Step 3

Step 3: Relishing the Second Half

Reflect on your journey past fifty. What were the experiences that you savored the most? Be as detailed as possible. Curate at least five such joyful moments, with a snippet about why they were enjoyable to you.

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Step 4

Step 4: A Time-Traveling Letter

Now, embark on a unique mission - write a letter from your 80-year-old self to your present self. What would you tell yourself? What passions would you urge your younger self to chase? What dreams would you want to fan into reality? Ponder deeply. Envision this as the only letter your 80-year-old self gets to send back in time.

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